Update for Initial DEX Offering | Private Sale #Phase2
Core team had a meeting yesterday with external partners and have decided to decrease the limit of maximum investment amount from 10 BNB / whitelisted person to a maximum investment amount of 4 BNB / whitelisted person.
All persons who have filled into the whitelist form more then 4 BNB, they’re limit will be decreased automatically to 4 BNB.
We will not change the rule for the persons who participate into #Phase 1, all persons who participate into #Phase1 are free to participate also into #Phase2!
As we did not fill the Hard Cap for #Phase1, all unsold tokens are moved into #Phase2 at the rate of the current #Phase.
Also as follows we increased the Hard Cap for #Phase2 in accordance with amount of tokens allocated.
Price will stay the same as was set from before. 6.666 $OBS / 1 BNB
Time of participation into #Phase2 will be decreased to a maximum 12 Hours. All whitelisted persons will receive the email when IDO starts in the same time and will not be any delays between participants as before.
All investment receive before or after IDO starts / finish will be reverted!
Please do not proceed before email notification and also do not proceed if time it’s exceeded.
Get whitelisted now! Whitelist will be closed at 10:00 UTC TIME on 12th November.